Diet and MS
Much like Sunlight and Vitamin D, the importance of Diet with MS is becoming more and more better understood.

MS often linked with the gut.......
Lack of good bacteria and plethora of bad bacteria such as Candida which flourishes in a high sugar environment..... Crowding out the bacteria we need to product the vitamins we need to maintain a healthy body.....
Modern foods...... not nutritionally balanced to meet our needs...... encourage the proliferation of an unbalanced gut, reducing the production of vitamins and nutrients we need to maintain health.
What can you do to improve your gut health?
Some factors, like genetics and environment, are out of your control. Our gut microbiome is established early on in life, but there are factors that affect it.
Some changes promote greater health and diversity in our microbiome. Other changes can harm.
Here are some things you can do to promote a healthy, balanced gut microbiome:
- Eat more fiber. Fiber provides food for all those little bacteria in your gut. Fiber comes from fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol is
shown to contribute to dysbiosis. If you drink, you may want to consider cutting down. -
Eat fermented foods. Fermented foods are sources of
healthy bacteria and may provide health benefits. Fermented foods include kimchi, tempeh, yoghurt, kefir, miso, and sauerkraut. -
Manage stress.
Stress can affect the health of your gut microbiota. Try out some stress-relieving techniques, such as yoga or meditation to cope with stress. - Use antibiotics wisely. Along with the bad bacteria, antibiotics can also destroy some of the good ones. This can lead to dysbiosis. It’s important to only use antibiotics when needed and take them as directed. Taking a probiotic supplement may restore some of the good bacteria.
- Explore probiotic supplements. Probiotic supplements may be helpful. More research is needed to figure out the best dose and strain for specific conditions. The US Probiotic Guide could be a good place to start.