Hi everyone
I have finally found the time to create a short video of the Multi-Sport event Julie (my trainer) and I did in Rototua. It is only a quick watch, about a minute long. A collection of video edits and snapshots taken throughout the event.
We managed to get some video of the Kayak and Mountain Biking sections. But unfortunately I was a bit past it duing the run/walk and forgot to start the GoPro for this section. Julie did get a few photos of me falling over though!! 😜
I was tlking with Julie the other day about it, which motivated me to just get it done.
About a kilometer from the finish I was pretty exhausted, falling alot. Actually I was barely able to stand! If you read my Blog on this you'll remember me descibing this. I had forgotten to take my supplements all
day and I was done! My legs and ballance barely functioning. Archer ran back to get me some of my MS-Biotin Boost. Looking back now I am staggered how much it helped. Infact I don't think I would have finished without it. After about 20 munutes from taking two capsules I was walking more smoothly and actualy covered the last k in good time.
Anyway, take a look at the video if you are interested.
If you try the Compex and you don't think they improved your abilities in any way I'll give you a complete refund (including shipping, taxes, etx.). Everything you had to pay to get it. There are some T&C's associated, you have to follow my recomendations on taking it and keep a diary but that's pretty much it.
If you are interested in taking me up on this offer drop and email to info@MultipleSupplements.com.
Here's the Video, enjoy!