It’s here!

It’s here!

The launch of the newest product in our range of MS fighting supplements; Lipoic Acid.  It has caused a stir and we have been overwhelmed by your positive feedback.  As always have researched to find the best match to current trials.

Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that Lipoic Acid may alter the behaviour of certain immune cells, preventing them from entering the central nervous system. If correct, this could stop the immune cells from attacking and damaging myelin.

Research has also suggested that Lipoic Acid could also help to protect nerves from damage (neuroprotection). There are ongoing trials to confirm the link between Lipoic Acid and those benefits - have a look at our research page or more specifically our Research on ALA.

To get the best out of your supplements, we suggest you take your Lipoic Acid at a different time to your MS Biotin as they interfere with the absorption of the other supplement.  So ideally you would take your MS Biotin first thing in the morning with a large glass of water, then take Lipoic Acid before lunch. Simple!

To order simply add it to your subscription or email us at and we will do it for you! 


Multiple Supplements - Encouraging Regeneration


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