Lipoic Acid for MS - A 2022 Review

What is Brain atrophy in MS and why the interest in Lipoic?

Brain atrophy, the gradual loss of brain volume, is quite extensive in MS, nearly 0.5–1.35% per year, far off the limits of normal aging.

Brain MRI atrophy quantification in MS reviewed publications between 1979 and 2017 involving brain atrophy and MS. This review recomended that a standard proceedure be establised. This to move atrophy quantification definitively into clinical practice, effort should be devoted to creating a worldwide standardized protocol for image acquisition not only for research studies, but also for individual patient management.

2018 - group put together in the IK to review potentisl repurposing of existin treatments for other diseases for use with MS.  R ALA was high on the list.
Systematic approach to selecting licensed drugs for repurposing in the treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis. (1) 

Brain atrophy identified as issue in MS. Brain atrophy and disability progression in multiple sclerosis patients: a 10-year follow-up study (2) first publishe 2014

Antrophy Definition and Symptoms. (3) 

Brain MRI atrophy quantification in MS (4) Neurology® 2017;88:403413