Supplements help with MS Fatigue

Supplements help with MS Fatigue

For some time nutrition has represented, not only a possible factor in developing MS, but also a possible and complementary treatment of the disease [1][2]. 

Fatigue in MS

A recent Italian Study [3] has now demonstrated that Vitamin supplementation can reduce Fatigue in RRMS by over 40%.

The study by the Scientific Research Institute in Milan, in conjunction with a number of other Research Institutes and Universities in Itally, Germany and Russia was published in MDPI on the 20th July 2021.

The observational study involved 50 patients, all women, with a Relapsing Remitting MS diagnosis and an EDSS of less than 6.0. Mean age was 40

25 patients were given a combination of two commercially available multivitamin dietary supplements. These supplements delivered a range of B vitamins, C and D, similar to our MS-Biotin Complex, over a period of 70 days.

The other 25 were given a placebo that looked and tasted the same. Blood samples were monitored for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory markers and Fatigue was measure using two psychometric tests. Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Modifies Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS).

The study reported that the administration of certain key nutrients as part of a nutritional treatment may have a beneficial effect on MS-associated fatigue and improve quality of life.

Vitamins Reduce Fatigue in MS

It is great to finally see some some solid research supporting what I have believed for years. Those of us with MS are predisposed to it. Our poor, modern, diet loaded with simple carbohydrates, intensively farmed, processed, and lacking in micronutrients trigger the disease. Diet modification can correct it, but typically only when the corrective diet is applied in an extreme way, supplements can help this situation.  We developed MS Biotin Complex to give MSer’s everything they need of the vital (often nutrient deficient) to help their body perform better with MS.  This research confirms our belief that the right supplements can help.

Want to discuss this? Feel free to add a comment below, drop me an email at or give me a call on +64 21 987 678. Phone's only on 8am-8pm New Zealand time (GMT/UTC +12hrs).


Read the full report here.

    1. Tryfonos, C.; Mantzorou, M.; Fotiou, D.; Vrizas, M.; Vadikolias, K.; Pavlidou, E.; Giaginis, C. Dietary Supplements on Controlling Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and Relapses: Current Clinical Evidence and Future Perspectives. Medicines 2019, 6, 95. [CrossRef][PubMed]
    2. Sand, I.K. The Role of Diet in Multiple Sclerosis: Mechanistic Connections and Current Evidence. Curr. Nutr. Rep. 2018, 7, 150–160. [CrossRef][PubMed]
    3. Ferorelli,P.;Antonelli,F.; Shevchenko, A.; Mischiati, C.; Doepp, M.; Lenzi, S.; Borromeo, I.; Feriotto, G.; Beninati, S. Reduction in Fatigue Symptoms Following the Administration of Nutritional Supplements in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Med. Sci. 20219, 52. medsci9030052


Hi Sharon,
Our MS-Biotin Complex helps with fatigue and has no CoQ10 or fish oils

Alan Garvin

Can you help as I keep complaining to neurologist
Also cq10 and fish oil unable to see to see the amount of each as I don’t want my cholesterol to rise

Sharon Ryrie

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